Thursday, March 18, 2010

Women on the Train

Some of you might be curious of why I named my blogspot "Women on the Train". Unfortunately, it is not clear to me yet why. While I was brainstorming name ideas somewhere out of left field the Holy Spirit gave me the name Women on the Train. I feel as though identity was given to me in that title. I'm not sure what it all means but I am excited to watch it unveil.

So while we wait with great expectation for the revealing of this great mystery I will blog.

I am somewhat in a desert place. My mouth is parched and my body is skin and bones. I have never navigated such a vast desert before and I am somewhat desperate for this season to be over. I seem to be coming upon my moutain top experience but it is still a far ways off. But to get me there God has sent hope in my despair. This hope gives me fresh wind to finish this chapter well. This fresh wind has come in the form of a redeemed, revitalized, and Holy Spirit saturated relationship with my sister (Ashley) and sister in law (Paige). I am most excited because I seem to travel greater distances with them on either side of me. However, that is not the end of God's grace to me in such a difficult chapter of my life because on the horizan is another women of God I wait to lean on in this journey. Brittney will provide another source of strength and another tool for navigation out here in this scortching sun and sand. Already though because of these women I feel like I could run a marthon. Already I feel like they are bringing health and life to my bones and water to refresh my soul. Oh, and they know, and I know that it is not them per say but the power of Christ and his redemption living through them. Praise you Father for your rescuing hand. Thank you for helping end this season with healing and restoration and strength. To you KING be ALL the GLORY from our lives. Drain our bodies for YOUR GLORY. And praise you that as you drain us we feel filled!!!! Your ways our not ours. Praise Him!!!

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